Our commitment to the principles of the modern slavery act 2015
Victoria PLC (“Victoria”, “we” or the “Group”) is committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within its business and supply chains, and imposes the same high standards on its suppliers. We do this by:
- continuing to take steps to find effective methods to eliminate slavery and human trafficking practices;
- ensuring that we review and communicate our policies and procedures regularly; and
- respecting human rights and ensuring, insofar as we are able, that the people who provide products and services to us are treated fairly and that their fundamental human rights are protected and respected.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and constitutes the slavery and trafficking statement for Victoria and its subsidiaries in respect of its financial year ending 30th March 2024.
Victoria is an international manufacturer and distributor of innovative flooring products, with operations in the UK, Europe, Australia and North America. The Group, which is headquartered in the UK, designs, manufactures and distributes a range of carpet, carpet tiles, ceramic tiles, flooring underlay, LVT (luxury vinyl tile), artificial grass and flooring accessories.
Victoria’s non-UK subsidiaries are not subject to the Act and are therefore excluded from the ambit of this statement. Nevertheless the Group, in its entirety, seeks to be compliant with high standards of integrity and ethical behaviour. To find out more about the nature of our business, please see the “about us” section of the corporate website at https://www.victoriaplc.com/about-us/
We intend to continue to govern all current and future supplier relationships with the slavery issues outlined in the Act in mind. We will not knowingly support and/or do business with any suppliers who are involved in slavery or human trafficking, and we have a number of procedures in place that reflect our commitment to ensuring modern slavery does not occur in our business or supply chains.
Our recruitment processes are in line with UK employment laws, including “right to work” document checks, contracts of employment, and checks to ensure everyone employed is of legal working age. We offer market-related pay and rewards which are reviewed annually.
We also maintain policies which allow our employees to easily report any allegations of slavery or human trafficking in our business that they become aware of and reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in our business relationships. If we learn of any allegations of slavery or human trafficking through our whistleblowing system, or any other means, we will act promptly and effectively in the best interests of the affected workers.
We have put systems in place which are designed to:
- identify and assess areas of potential risk in our business and supply chains;
- monitor potential risk areas in our business and supply chains;
- mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains; and
- provide adequate protection for whistleblowers.
Victoria’s board is committed to delivering high standards of corporate governance and a key element of this is managing the Group in a socially responsible and ethical way. The Group aims to comply with all local laws and regulations applicable to our business; it follows that Victoria is absolutely committed to preventing modern slavery in its corporate activities and its supply chains.
No instances of modern slavery and human trafficking have been identified in the last financial year. However, we recognise our responsibility to report instances of modern slavery and human trafficking to authorities. All concerns are taken seriously and investigated thoroughly.
We will continue to enhance our procedures and provide adequate resources to help us identify, prevent and mitigate any risks of modern slavery or human trafficking in relation to new and existing suppliers.
This statement, which will be reviewed annually as required, has been approved by the board of Victoria on 27 March 2024.
For and on behalf of Victoria PLC
Geoffrey Wilding
Executive Chairman, Victoria PLC
Date: 27 March 2024